Getting married in Tuscany is always an extraordinarily special event and a celebration that inevitably involves local people from the beautiful and ancient region around the Via Francigena and the Via del Sale. The experience transforms you from visitor to adopted citizen of Tuscany, with all its history, culture, valleys and landscapes.

The heart of Tuscany, bordered by the Via Francigena and Via del Sale, is a unique area with a strong cultural identity dating back hundreds of years. Getting married here is a truly magical experience, and one that becomes even more special when shared with the very people who bring the region to life: the locals who know its stories, artisan traditions, food and wine, towns, castles and unspoiled countryside.

Be Tuscan For Your Special Day provides authentic experiences that plunge you into local life, culture and history. Our mission is to help you get to know the region through its people, and to make you not just a guest, but an honorary Tuscan citizen during one of the most special moments of your life.

Your wedding and honeymoon merge into an unforgettable celebration for each and every person involved.

Be Tuscan for a Day is a project developed and coordinated by Terre di Siena LAB and promoted by the local authorities in Casole d’Elsa, Colle di Val d’Elsa, Monteriggioni, Poggibonsi, Radicondoli, San Gimignano and Volterra.
Be Tuscan For Your Special Day promotes this extraordinary region and what it can offer in terms of wedding services. Complete wedding packages will be detailed and launched in London on www.betuscanforaday.com, including locations, related services and a range of local activities to enjoy before or after your big day.

In London you will meet:

Valentina De Pamphilis – Terre di Siena LAB Coordinamento progetto Be Tuscan For A Day depamphilis@terredisienalab.it www.terredisienalab.it

Carolina Taddei – Comune di San Gimignano Assessore al Turismo www.comune.sangimignano.si.it – ctaddei@comune.sangmignano.si.it

Riccardo Fedeli – Comune di Volterra Vicesindaco
www.comune.volterra.pi.it – r.fedeli@comune.volterra.pi.it

Giovanni Morozzo – Ciclica Speaker, consulente Terre di Siena LAB www.ciclica.cc – giovanni@ciclica.cc

Alessandro Cecchi – Platinum Adeventure Tour Operator alessandrocecchi@valdelsa.net

Silvia Livoni – Terre di Casole Bike Hub
http://www.terredicasolebikehub.it  –  silvialico@me.com


Valentina De Pamphilis

Terre di Siena Lab
